Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life is stupid sometimes.

Why is life so hard for everyone??

well maybe not you,but it's really hard for me...why?
Cant it be easier?
Family issues,
FRIENDS issues,
I have issues of myself! I dont know who am I .. and I think im not going to know.? please...I really wanna find who am I really is....
Do I look like I'll be scared of something? well..not really...but I am...somehow. huh..
luckily I have tumblr..? and blog.. and my DIARY <3 and twitter... and MUSIC. <3 if not...I think I cant take it..well I can anyhow..hahahha..

Im strong:)
and will always be!!! ^^
haih...if life could be awesome will that be?

Right,Happy Birthday Tze Yang!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love life

I do NOT have a crush on anyone on this earth!! no no no no no!
neveeeeerrrr!! RAWWRRR!!!!!!!!

though RAWR means I LOVE dinosour language...I just knew this..but still RAWR to me is just somthing...just something to express when Im speechless or whatsoever:D


have to work on the song!! aaahhh!! hope eveything goes well:P
owh..right! I have to thank KELVIN here, for gifting me that lovely blue pen! I love it! thank youuu!!!



Life is hard.

Please agree that life is HARD.


I found out somthing these few days.. one of my friend is getting kinda neglected by another friend...well that's what I think..I think I neglected her too..!! Im soooo sorry! I love you!! Im sorry! I know how it feels...!! but Im sorry if I neglected youtoo!!!!! sorrrrrrry!!!

There's another thing,being popular and non-popular has SUCH a big difference...well I love being low profile...

if you're not popular and you're standing next to someone much more'll get noticed maybe after all the popular's fan's lovey dovey talks...yeah..that's pretty much like not getting noticed at all...*wide smile*
so..who the hell cares!? :)
just smile and everything will be all right!! (not.)

Today...Im working on a presentation tomorrow...about Emma Waltson and Logan Lerman! darn ..Im stilll thinking on what song should Logan Lerman(Etrey) should play on my guitar for the presentation!!!! screw it!..

many crap happened today!!! and I didnt get my time to write my diaryy!!! Im going to write it somehow..either today or tomorrow!..but first I have to think what kind of meloday and song lyrics should Etrey play!!!!! which is considered as composing a song...:D fun but not so fun when it's so late already....and I have to wake up so early tomorrow morning....
wish me good luck!


Monday, February 21, 2011


Im sixteen today onwards! :D excited.

Though today I didnt really had a really bizzare or special birthday like what the others would mostly do..cause it’s their sisteenth bithday,Im happy.flattered by all the wishes people gave me:D

I love you guys!thank y’all!

about the boyfriend thinggy? thanks my girls who cared and tell me that I’ll find one..but I dont think so…I dont really think that someone would actually waste his time just to try to break my strong thought off defensive love..:) you’ll see..noone’s bothered to do that!But Im totaly cool with it!:))

I love all of you! had a great time today!




xoxo! night!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What a day..

TODAY was really worth living through though..

I cried in schoo..which was..stupid.
I was explaining what happend at home yesterday to my friends..
They're so good to me..
So good I really cant take it..
I love them!!!!!
you guys rawkk!!!
I love you guys!

This is like a dream...
Just like a dream!
too nice to be true..
but it's true it's not awful..
there's either something wrong with me,or there's something wrong with the world..

I think im shutting up.
I showed to many feelings.
too many..
I shouldnt cry.
I have to be strong.:)
thanks to all of you that consoled me today!
I feel betta.
I hope there wont be a next time...


Monday, February 7, 2011

Up coming Valentines ...

Gawd darn it!
I've NEVER in my life ever cared about valentines.
LIke it's even....important...==??
untill something happened,now im darn nervous.
Gawd, why why why?....
Why must it be such a scary day? It's shhooooo scary!!!
I dont like it.
I act like a boy,gawd i even,almost,am one..
Im so boy-ish.why care about valentine.
Yeah,boys get dates and gift physicly a gal...who CARES!!!!!!! T.T


Thursday, January 20, 2011


I went to the old folks home today...
I forgotten the name..sorry.

I just dont understand!! why must they're kids be so cruel and leave them alone there???why?? Why dont they take care of them themselves?? I dont like it at all!!

But all we can do now is help them... make them happy...let them eat well. goin to ask my teacher and see if she'll accept my idea of bringing us all to the old folks home to help out!!

